Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Weekly Sticky: Power vs.Chemistry

In the wake of the recent Breaking Bad finale (no spoilers, I haven't watched it yet!), it seems an appropriate time to discuss exactly how dependent our culture has become on prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications. 

Following last week's post, in regards to the amazing powers of your Innate Intelligence, your body already knows how to help you feel better. The signs of inflammation you're feeling when you experience pain are a GOOD thing. Yes, you read that correctly. Pain is good. It means you're alive, and healthy enough to know your body (or parts of it) is in distress. Think of it like this: you place your hand on a hot stove. You feel the burn and you instinctively remove your hand (sometimes you remove your hand before you even register that it is hot - this is part of your body's amazing and innate nervous system!). Because you could feel the pain of the hot stove, you were able to remove your hand immediately, before further damage occurred, thus saving you from more, maybe permanent damage! Your body is smart! And those inflammatory chemicals that it sends to areas of sickness or dis-ease are necessary in the initiation of a healing cascade. 

In this society, as blessed as we are, we are taught from a very young age that pain is bad (and yes, to all degrees it is never fun), it is unnecessary and it can be controlled with extraneous chemicals, pills, injectables, and the like. While true, is that really how you wan to heal?! Knowing now (because I just told you), that those chemicals your body innately sends to your painful areas are necessary for healing, do you want to halt, pause or in any way interfere with that process and prolong your healing? Yes, you'll feel better temporarily, but you may be further damaging an area your body is trying to tell you to rest. 

You have alternative options that work with your body's innate process, even jump start it! Chiropractic, acupuncture, craniosacral work, meditation, and holistic/homeopathic supplements can help with pain control and further your healing processes - NATURALLY! Chiropractic works directly with your body's nervous system (a huge player in pain detection and control). It has been shown that adjustments promote the release of natural chemicals that block pain and help heal your body. Acupuncture, in it's own mysterious ways, can trigger your body to release pain control chemicals, as well as directly treat causes and symptoms of your chief complaint.

If you just can't seem to align your personal philosophy with "Better health through better Power," and you prefer the medical model of "Better health through better chemistry," then I urge you to alter your body chemistry through natural means - and that means change your diet. Reduce your intake of inflammatory foods (the 7 worst: gluten, dairy, corn, soy, peanuts, sugar and eggs).

Next time you're in pain (this is going to happen, we are human), think strongly about reaching for that bottle of ibuprofen or your MD's phone number. Maybe that approach really isn't working - especially if this pain is a chronic or chronically recurring event. Maybe you should try to let Innate be in charge, and see your local chiropractor as a guide. 

Yours in health,

Dr. Baar

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