Friday, October 25, 2013

The Weekly Sticky: Flip Your Spine...

Do you know one of those people that can inherently see the beauty in objects every other person deems delapidated and lost? They can see through grime and degeneration, envision a little elbow grease, a little makeover, and boom, a brand new, reconstituted whathaveyou perfect for their own living room or your birthday present. These are what I like to call "Project People." Project People like projects, they like to see something or someone that needs to be fixed, and take it upon themselves to do the fixing. No one can tell them it can't be done. Sometimes - oftentimes - this is your local chiropractor.

Chiropractors very commonly invest themselves in projects: you! So frequently we see the stages of spinal decay (barely) walk into the office, after years of neglect and/or overuse, improper biomechanics, poor posture, and other signs of disease and dis-ease. Often, too, we see people at the beginnings of these negative results of life activities. While it is unlikely that a chiropractor will give up on you (we are natural fighters!), it is much easier for both of us to be happy with treatment results  when the results are more profound. And typically this happens when you take care of your body and spine from earlier stages of life (yay for Well Babies!). Like the reconstituted dumpster diving activities your friends the Project People love to perform, it is much easier to correct something that has degenerated the least.

I've never heard of a spinal transplant, so it is in your best interest to protect and care for the one you were given!

Yours in health,

Dr. Cassandra Baar

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