Friday, December 13, 2013

The Weekly Sticky: Clark's Power Problem

Most of us know, with fond remembrance, the scene called forth in our memory banks from the  still frame above. Clark Griswold, sparkle in his eye, awaits with bated breath the lighting of his Christmas display - but nothing happens! No matter what he does to finagle the equipment, nothing will give power to the display. Enter Ellen, the ever-supportive and sometimes seemingly all-knowing wife of Clark. Being the wife of a tinkerer, she has spent her marriage observing his habits and shortcomings (loving him for them, I'm sure!). She is acutely aware of the problem, and immediately sure of the solution. Ellen proceeds to the garage, wherein she quickly and effortlessly adjusts the problem, surging power into the lights and literally exposing the neighborhood to the brilliance!

This scenario, although exaggerated and entirely metaphorical, is a decent example of your nervous system, in the subluxated and adjusted forms. Essentially, if you are subluxated, the Innate energy you could be receiving is re-directed or blocked from manifesting. But, if you get adjusted, allowing your body to better connect with your nervous system, the energy is released and directed to its needed locations in a much more efficient manner! Through regular adjustments, you are allowing your body to better communicate with itself, subconsciously. Over time, this manifests as improved energy levels, improved immunity, and improved well-being

This Christmas and winter season, don't let your innate energy source be deflected because of subluxations in your spine. Get adjusted, stay healthy, and enjoy this season, a time of joy and cheer!

Happy Holidays,

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