The human body operates within a very small window of 'normalcy' that we refer to as homeostasis. There are safe measures in place if various systems in our body detect changes that may be harmful or detrimental to our survival. Your fevers, your sneezes, your goosbumps - these things that constantly annoy us and often signal that we are ill, are actually very acute ways in which your body expresses that it is still healthy! Yes, you read that correctly. These outward symptoms you feel and see demonstrate that your body is fighting for your survival and that it has not given up. If your body did not induce a fever to create a difficult environment for that bacteria/virus to live in, if you did not expel that pollen from your nasal cavity with a forceful sneeze, if you did not feel the tightness of goosebumps prickle your arms and legs to keep you warm - these situations may lead to greater damage to your body and prevent it from responding in such manners as your condition deteriorates.
In such a way, your body has internal regulatory patterns as well. And much of these regulations depend on careful communication between your body and your brain. The majority of this 'talk' takes place via your strong and sensitive nervous system. Like the pictorial above explains, the weight of the smallest coin causes enough interference in your nervous system to wreak havoc throughout your entire body. Most people don't have dimes housed in their spinal columns, but they do have bodies with mobile joints and are weight-bearing individuals. When life happens (yes, it happens to all of us), some joints become less likely to move, some move too much, some move in manners that they were not meant to move and some simply compact due to posture and sedentary tendencies. This is how the 'pressure' and 'stretch' of the dime analogy comes into being. Any of the above-mentioned mechanisms alter the manner in which your nervous system enters/exits your spinal cord. If one thing is off, it may irritate the surrounding tissues mechanically or chemically, and begin a process by which your nervous system and the the structures it feeds begins to deteriorate in function and health. Enter: your chiropractor. Your chiropractic physician is trained to asses the function of your nervous system at the source, and assist in altering the biomechanics of compromised regions, ultimately freeing your spine from the interference and allowing you to continue about life in a healthier manner. Check out the references from the pictorial here.
Yours in health,